Custom commands
How it works ?
As you can see in the .docker folder, there is a commands folder.
This folder contains all the commands that you can run with the dcmd [command]
In fact, the dcmd command is just a wrapper around the docker-compose command. It will execute the command in the container that you want.
Also every available variables in the docker environment file can be used in your commands script.
Create a command
To create a command, you just need to create a file in the commands folder with the name of your command.
For example, if you want to create a command to run npm install
in your container, you can create a file named npm
in the commands folder.
# @description: Run npm install in the container
docker exec ${PROJECT_NAME}_node npm $TASK
Template commands
Our templates come with several pre-configured useful commands that require no external dependencies. Do not hesitate to add your own commands to this folder or pick one as example to create your own.
For example in a Drupal project you can run the command below to import your database :
dcmd db-import ~/Desktop/my_awesome_db.sql
another exeample with params :
dcmd npm i --dev
Nested command
If you need several commands, separated by apps for example you can create a dir in the commands folder and execute commands as well :
dcmd my_first_app npm install
dcmd my_second_app npm install