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Astro is a modern front-end web framework that allows developers to build fast, optimized websites with less client-side JavaScript. It allows components from different front-end frameworks (like React, Vue, etc.) to be used together in the same page, and only sends the necessary JavaScript to the client, resulting in faster loading times.

Astro versions

The template now support the following versions of Astro: >=1.2

May works with other versions, but not tested.

Astro installation

To use this template, you need to install Astro first. You can do it by following the official documentation

With NPM

dcmd toolbox start
npm create astro@latest

Get the template

At root of your project (where the package.json file is located), run the following command:

dcmd template get astro

Configure the template

  • Create and configure the environnement file by copying the .env.example file to .env
  • Set the name of your project in the docker-compose.yml file
  • Set the right name for your virtual host in .docker/etc/apache/httpd-vhosts.conf

More information here : project configuration

Initialize the project

At root of your project (where the package.json file is located), run the following command:

dcmd up

Start the project

At root of your project (where the package.json folder is located), run the following command:

dcmd astro
Website URL

You're good to go! You can now access your project at : http://${PROJECT_NAME}.dev.local Or : http://localhost:4321