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Wordpress (Bedrock)

WordPress is an open-source content management system widely used for blogging or building websites. It's known for its ease-of-use, a vast array of customizable themes and plugins, and a large global community. WordPress supports many media types, is SEO-friendly, and is a popular choice for non-technical users to create and manage websites. Wordpress Bedrock is a modern WordPress stack that helps you get started with the best development tools and project structure.

Wordpress versions

The template now support the following versions of Wordpress: >6.2

May works with other versions, but not tested.

Wordpress installation

To use this template, you need to install Wordpress Bedrock first. You can do it by following the official documentation

With composer

dcmd toolbox start # in your project root folder
composer create-project roots/bedrock .

With git

git clone --branch {tag_version}

Get the template

At root of your project (where the app folder is located), run the following command:

dcmd template get wordpress

Configure the template

  • Create and configure the environnement file by copying the .env.example file to .env
  • Set the name of your project in the docker-compose.yml file
  • Set the right name for your virtual host in .docker/etc/apache/httpd-vhosts.conf

More information here : project configuration


Do not forget to specify the DB_HOST value to db (the name of the database container), this variable does not appear by default in .env file.

Initialize the project

At root of your project (where the app folder is located), run the following command:

dcmd up

Setup the environment

Setup your env files, and your settings for the right database credentials and other settings.

Here are some examples:

  • /web/.htaccess
  • .env ...

Default database credentials

Informationdefault value
Website URL

You're good to go! You can now access your project at : http://${PROJECT_NAME}.dev.local

Installing Wordpress CLI (optional)

You can use the Wordpress CLI to manage your Wordpress.

To install it, run the following command:

dcmd composer require wp-cli/wp-cli wp-cli/wp-cli-bundle

Then you can run the WP CLI:

dcmd wp [args]